Technology counter

Science and Technology Park of Tehran University has created a network of innovation centers and growth centers with the cooperation of different units of the park in order to realize an entrepreneurial university and using the capacities of the university and the park.

The purpose of creating this network; Attracting innovative ideas, starting new businesses, promoting entrepreneurial and business thinking, developing technological and knowledge-based businesses, and creating employment.

In this plan, in order to increase the effectiveness of the network’s missions and services in achieving the goals of the entrepreneurial university, the technology desk as a “technology promotion plan” in each of the faculties/schools that is in line with the goals of the technology network and within the framework of the tasks assigned by The park side cooperates, it is defined.

In this plan, supervisors of the park branches, who are appointed by the decree of the head of the science and technology park of the university for a certain period to manage the park branch, in addition to other assigned duties, work as “technology desk officers” in order to advance this mission.

For more information about the technology counter, those interested can call 88220700 to 4 extension 168, 171, 185.