Head of the Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran has announced the launch of the University of Tehran Innovation District in the heart of Tehran city

This district, under the guidance and management of the Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran, will commence its activities.

Dr. Ali Asadi, in a media discussion with the Science and Technology Park’s media department, reported the launch of the University of Tehran Innovation District in Tehran Municipality’s District 6.
He emphasized that the primary objective of establishing the University of Tehran Innovation District is to create and develop an innovation and technology ecosystem, aiming to connect various players in the technology and innovation ecosystem.

This initiative seeks to create the necessary infrastructure for economic development, sustainable welfare for society, and the shift towards fourth-generation universities. Moreover, it aims to strengthen Tehran’s technology and innovation ecosystem, become a hub for global innovation, technological development, and economic growth in the region, and transform the district into a place for interaction among city residents and the creation of specialized scientific and technological clusters in various sectors.

Dr. Asadi highlighted that the University of Tehran Innovation District, by establishing effective communication and facilitating the attraction of talents, contributes to the development of the city’s entrepreneurship ecosystem and ultimately benefits the country. He mentioned that companies and startups in this district not only benefit from the university’s knowledge production but also find it easier to access the country’s graduates, thereby playing a significant role in developing the entrepreneurship ecosystem.

The geographic boundaries of the University of Tehran Innovation District span from Keshavarz Boulevard in the north to Karagar Street in the west, Enghelab Street in the south, Vassal Shirazi Street in the east, and from Shahid Hakkim Expressway in the north to Shahid Chamran Expressway in the west, Shahid Gomnam Expressway and Mofatteh Street in the south, and Shahid Madani Expressway in the east.

The Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran has put forth various programs and support measures to advance the objectives of this initiative.

Furthermore, the creation of beautiful environments, recreational spaces, suitable transportation networks, multifunctional buildings, the attraction of various ecosystem players, increasing opportunities for interaction in urban life, and consequently increasing the likelihood of innovation emergence, risk mitigation, and facilitating the launch of innovative businesses in this district are among the Park’s key programs and support for advancing the goals of the University of Tehran Innovation District.