The Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran; the top booth at the twenty-fourth exhibition of research, technology, and tech market achievements

According to the public relations of the Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran, on the last day of the 1402 exhibition of research, technology, and tech market achievements, Dr. Mohammad Ali Zolfi Gol, the Minister of Science, Research, and Technology, visited the achievements of the experts at the Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran.

The important point is that the booth of the Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran was selected as the top booth at the twenty-fourth exhibition of research, technology, and tech market achievements in 1402, with an excellent score from the National Research and Technology Week Headquarters and the Secretariat of the twenty-fourth exhibition of research, technology, and tech market achievements.

On the sidelines of the third day of the exhibition, a session on the innovation regions of Tehran was held with the presence of representatives from the innovation regions of Tehran, Sharif, Tarbiat Modares, and Amir Kabir.

Engineer Mohammad Rezaei, the head of the Tehran Innovation Region, spoke about the importance of holding sessions on the innovation regions of Tehran and stated that addressing the existing challenges in the development of innovation regions, defining and formulating operational strategies for establishing innovation regions in Tehran, as well as networking and interacting with stakeholders of the innovation regions and solutions for attracting stakeholders, are among the key focuses of these sessions.

Mohsen Dindar, the head of the Commercialization Department of the Ministry of Science, also visited the booth of the Science and Technology Park and discussed the Tehran Innovation Region and technology commercialization grants with the managers of the Science and Technology Park.

In another part of the third day’s program, a joint session with the head of the Research and Development Department of the University of Science and Technology was held on the topic of how to establish a growth center, and Dr. Alah Dadi, the Deputy for Technology Development at the Science and Technology Park, and Dr. Mohammad Kazemi, the manager of the Business Development and Promotion Center of the Science and Technology Park, explained the fundamental and complementary points on this topic.

Also, Dr. Mohammad Azizi, the head of the Research Deputy of the Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education, visited the booth of the Science and Technology Park and the achievements of the technologists.

The Science and Technology Park of the University of Tehran, with seven technology-based companies and startups, including Andishe Sazan Salamat Parsian, Sanjesh Afzar Asia, Dahian Pezeshki Pishro, Saaze Paydar Elahieh, Hero Negar Pars, Electronic Sazan Fan Aria, and Pishrovan Fanavari Zist Guneh, and six technology teams with projects such as feasibility study of rice husk stabilization by thermal moisture stabilization and assessment of its by-products, evaluation of fundamental motor skills using wearable inertial sensors, prototype development of chatbot systems for telecommunication customer service centers, prototype development of infrastructure for agricultural product value chain improvement (productivity improvement system), and the use of very low head turbines and Archimedes screw turbines in a scattered manner, CRISPR-based infectious disease detection platform, and the technology teams of the Geography Innovation Center (G4) and the University of Tehran Research and Technology Fund, participated in the twenty-fourth exhibition of research, technology, and tech market achievements in 1402.